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How do I work?

I call each session a meditation. I work in the flow of energy in connection with my highest Self, the Creator and my ancient memory. I work holistically, combining scientific knowledge with intuition and a broader view of reality. I accompany each being in reminding them who they are in the Truth and what great power they have. I help  connect with your inner being, your heart, your intuition, to make this earthly journey easier .

Who do I work with?

With every person ready for transformation, awakening, liberation, cleansing, healing.

Working with femininity and sexuality

Breathing techniques: releasing trauma and blockages

Healing connection with your body and simple embodiment

Unlocking the chakras


Entering the Holy and Tiny space of the heart

Healing the inner child

Working with the inner woman and man

Healing the family tree and relationships with the family

Working with emotions and traumas

System settings or family constellations (Hellinger method)

Merkaba Field Activation and Remembrance: Expanding Consciousness

Connecting with your life mission and following your calling

Balancing male and female energies

Ustawianie energetyczne przestrzeni (mieszkań, domów, biur) wg. starożytnych nauk Dalekiego Wschodu z użyciem  Świętej Geometrii

Balansowanie i oczyszczanie energii

w przestrzeni

Dla osób które, są gotowe na zmiany w życiu.


Topics I work with 

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