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Who am I?

I am a spiritual therapist and guide. I remind, I guide, I accompany, I initiate.

I work from the Sacred Space of the Heart and I also remind of the path leading to It.
I conduct individual sessions and group workshops in an atmosphere of love, equality and mutual respect.
My body is a channel for the flow of light and each meeting is led by the SPIRIT.
I am on my own path of development, growth, transformation, awakening, healing, so I humbly invite everyone whose hearts are ready for the changes that are necessary in these interesting times in which we live. Which require so much courage from us.

I studied physiotherapy, psychology, psychotronics, but I work holistically and do not identify myself with the above titles because I owe my knowledge to the connection with the wisdom of the Heart, i.e. going beyond dual states of consciousness. After the transcendental experiences I had in Egypt, France, Spain and Hawaii. And above all, my life experiences that showed me this path and the work on myself, attempts to understand, get to the source of the problem, heal myself, I am in a place for which I am very grateful. Thanks to this, I can accompany other beings in a faster process of transformation.

The values that guide me are Love, Truth, Freedom. 

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